mardi 4 décembre 2012

Your turn !!

    When you come back, you will have to create your own blog. But don't panic, we'll be here to guide you. Before leaving, there are a few things that you have to know: 

- Before the trip: we will give you a "logbook" that you will have to keep carefully. In this logbook, there will be different activities and quizzes linked to the places you are going to visit. 

- During the trip: Don't forget to complete this logbook with the leaflets given and also with what you see and hear. You are also asked to write down your impressions and feelings all along the trip.

- After the trip: Work in groups (3 persons) to create a blog. You must write at least three articles, taking into account the following categories:
          * Something you've learnt about the history / culture of the country / of Dublin.
          * Your impressions about the trip (the visits, your host family, the general atmosphere during Saint Patrick's Day, etc.)
          * BONUS: Try to find a funny event that happened during the trip and write about this personal experience.

Once your blog is ready, your schoolmates from other classes will have a look at it and they will vote for the one they preferred so...

add pictures, colours, etc... BE CREATIVE !!!!

                                                            Enjoy the trip !

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