jeudi 13 décembre 2012

Welcome Everybody!!


     This blog is dedicated to our trip to Dublin which will take place next year (14th-18th of March 2013). It will help you to get ready !
When we come back, it will be your turn : during the trip, don't forget to write down all your impressions and feelings about what you see, who you meet...You will be asked to create your own blog to share all this with your classmates.

There you go through Irish culture and history! Enjoy!

mardi 11 décembre 2012

Ireland's Colours


      The colours tell a lot about Irish history. Find out about the colours in the following text and answer the questions:

      The Republic of Ireland's flag is made of three equal-sized rectangles of orange, white, and green (this type of flag is called a tricolore). The flag is twice as wide as it is tall. The green side is by the flagpole. This flag was first used in 1848. The green colour on the flag represents the native people of Ireland (most of whom are Roman Catholic). The orange colour represents the British supporters of William of Orange who settled in Northern Ireland in the 17th century (most of whom are Protestant). The white in the center of the flag represents peace between these two groups of people. 

 Now, your turn!! 

 1. In the Irish flag, what color is placed nearest the flagpole? ________________________ 
 2. What color represents the native people of Ireland? ________________________ 

 3. What color represents the British who settled in Northern Ireland in the 1700's? ____________________________ 
 4. What does the color in the middle of the flag represent? __________________________ 
 5. When was this flag first used? _____________________________

- a FLAGPOLE serves as support system for flags.

lundi 10 décembre 2012

"From Dublin with Love!"

       You are now familiar with the country's culture and history. But do you know where Dublin is on the map? 

Let's now become familiar with the city before visiting it through a few activities...

dimanche 9 décembre 2012

What do you want to do on Saint Patrick's Day?

We give you the opportunity to choose one of the activities you will do during the trip.

Use the following link to send an email to "Saint Patrick's Festival" (which organizes the Festival) to  know what's on in Dublin. Be precise (introduce yourself and the reason why you go to Dublin, say if you want to participate to a concert, a parade, etc.)

Once you've received an answer, choose the activity you prefer and defend it in the debate below the post.
You can also vote for or against the activities suggested by your classmates.

powered by tricider

Toolbox for the Comprehension of the Song

samedi 8 décembre 2012

Dublin's Urban Legend: Molly Malone

When you walk through Dublin's streets, you will run into the sweet Molly Malone. But who is she and why is she so successful? Listen up to the Irish band "The Dubliners"'s song and try to fill the gaps in the song's lyrics

In________’s fair______,
Where girls are so pretty,
I first set my eyes on sweet_________,
As she pushed her ____________ 

Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh”!


Alive, alive oh! alive, alive oh! 
Crying, “_____and ______, alive, alive oh”!

Now she was a ______________,
And sure that was no wonder,
For so were her ________and ______ before, 

And they each ________ their barrow, 
Through _____ broad and narrow, 
Crying, “_____and ______”, alive, alive oh”!


She ______of a _____,
And no one could save her,
And that was the end of sweet_________. Now her ghost ______ her barrow, Through streets broad and narrow, Crying,
““_____and ______, alive, alive oh”!


vendredi 7 décembre 2012

Introduce yourself to your host family

      Meeting people who do not speak your language can be stressful...

To prepare yourself to the moment you will meet your host family, work in pairs and imagine you are meeting your host family for the first time. Your partner is a member of the host family.

Use the material evoked in class (introducing yourself, talking about the trip, your family and your hobbies, etc.) to record a dialogue between the guest (yourself) and the member of the host family (your partner) thanks to the tool below this post. The member of the Host family will ask questions to the guest and vice versa (about the city, the house, hobbies and job...). 

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Dublin's Spire

      The Spire of Dublin ("Monument of light") is a large and pin-like monument located on O'Connell Street in Dublin. It was designed by an architect called Ian Ritchie in 2002. Dubliners are very proud of this impressive monument. It is is considered as the meeting place of the city. 

If you get lost, this is where you have to go. Dublin is a city where it is easy to get lost, so you have to be prepared....

mercredi 5 décembre 2012

I'm lost !

When you are in Dublin, you will need to understand what people tell you if you ask them your way.

Imagine you are near Dublin's spire and someone who is lost asks you how to go to one of these places:
- Abbey Theatre
- Liffey (Ha'penny) Bridge
- Famine Memorial
- Busaras Central Bus Station

Locate these places on the map ( and think about how you can explain to the person how to get there.

Finally, choose one of these places and record yourself while you explain the way.

Use the expressions given in class.

mardi 4 décembre 2012

Your turn !!

    When you come back, you will have to create your own blog. But don't panic, we'll be here to guide you. Before leaving, there are a few things that you have to know: 

- Before the trip: we will give you a "logbook" that you will have to keep carefully. In this logbook, there will be different activities and quizzes linked to the places you are going to visit. 

- During the trip: Don't forget to complete this logbook with the leaflets given and also with what you see and hear. You are also asked to write down your impressions and feelings all along the trip.

- After the trip: Work in groups (3 persons) to create a blog. You must write at least three articles, taking into account the following categories:
          * Something you've learnt about the history / culture of the country / of Dublin.
          * Your impressions about the trip (the visits, your host family, the general atmosphere during Saint Patrick's Day, etc.)
          * BONUS: Try to find a funny event that happened during the trip and write about this personal experience.

Once your blog is ready, your schoolmates from other classes will have a look at it and they will vote for the one they preferred so...

add pictures, colours, etc... BE CREATIVE !!!!

                                                            Enjoy the trip !